Reporting Absences
Absences should be reported to the teacher or school office within three (3) days of the absence, listing the date and reason for the absence. Excuse notes may be submitted using the online or printable forms below.
Did you know?
Missing school in kindergarten or 1st grade has negative effects on reading and math skills.
Missing just two days a month may not seem like a lot, but it means a child misses 10 % of the school year.
By 6th grade, chronic absences become a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

Attendance for Extra-Curricular Activities
Full Day Absences
Students who are absent from school are not allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity until he/she has been in attendance for an entire school day.
Exceptions can be made for funerals, college visitations, or other reasons if prior written notice is provided to administration for approval.
Partial Day Absences
A student must be present at school no later than 8:05am to be able to participate in any extra-curricular activity that day.
A student that leaves school early due to illness may not participate in any extracurricular activity.
Doctors’ appointments or other special circumstances must be pre-approved by the Athletic Director.
College Visitation
In order for a college visitation to be considered an excused absence, the following must apply/occur:
The student must turn a College Visitation Form completed with parent/guardian, teachers, and student signature to his/her school counselor at least one (1) day prior to the visitation date. Forms are available in the Students Services Office at CHS/CMS Hill Campus.
It is the student’s responsibility to notify their teacher(s) of the planned visit. All class work, projects, test, etc. are due upon the return to school unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher(s).
The verification of college visitation portion of the form must be completed and returned to Student Services within two (2) days after the visit or the absence will be marked unexcused.
Job Shadow
In order for a job shadow to be considered an excused absence, the following must apply/occur:
The student is responsible in arranging their own transportation to and from site.
The student must turn in the Job Shadow Form completed with parent/ guardian, teachers, and own signature to his/her school counselor at least one (1) day prior to the visitation date. Forms are available in the Students Services Office at CHS/CMS Hill Campus.
It is the student's responsibility to notify their teacher{s) of the planned visit. All class work, projects, tests, etc. are due upon return to school unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher{s).
The verification of job shadow portion of the form must be completed and returned to
Student Services within two (2) days after the visit or will be marked unexcused.