Columbia Borough School District Crimson Tide Athletics and Activities Department Header with faded pictures of football basketball and play in background

Sara Sementelli


Director of Athletics and Activities


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Tide Crimson Tide One Team One Town One Family graphic with faded picture on the the football field in back ground with picture of running in the T picture of wrestler in the I picture of girls backetball in the D picture of football player in the E

Photos by: Rupp Sports Photography

Fall Athletics and Activities Parent and Student Information

For any 7th-12th student interested in learning about our extracurricular programs for the fall season, click here for vital information to prepare you for the upcoming season.

Game Cancellations

To receive notifications for game cancellations and postponements, please sign up to follow your team on Arbiter Live.

Columbia High School Home of the Crimson Tide Logo

Fall Activities Header

Winter Activities Header

Spring Activities Header

League Memberships


National Federation State High School Associations Logo

Lancaster Lebanon League Logo

PIAA District III Logo