Virtual Awesome Card

Every Friday Ms. Landis and Mr. Rodriguez are giving “shout outs” to students who are doing an AWESOME job with their at home learning. 

Here are Park Elementary Star Students of the Week. Look for more star students every Friday.


Lily for all of her hard work and dedication to her schoolwork. She attends every Zoom meeting each week and is sharing pictures with me daily of all the great things she's doing at home. I am so proud of her! 

Noah participates in every zoom and sends me pictures and videos of him reading! 🥰  Noah is a fantastic reader. His smile makes my day!  He works hard. His family is doing an awesome job supporting his learning! Keep up the great work! 

Kylie for her effect in reading on decoding words and her dedication to learning at home and on zoom. Keep up the good work Kylie!

Lelia shows up to every zoom and is always trying her best. 

First Grade 

Payton has participated in all Zoom Meetings and completed every assignment that we have had since on-line learning began.  I am so proud of you Payton. You are AWESOME! 

Liam attends every Zoom and does all Seesaw assignments.   

Myles for his participation in all Zoom meetings and classwork.  Also for such a positive attitude during these special days.

Dantaye continues to complete his work promptly and correctly. He joins our Zooms and participates. He has been doing fantastic with online learning. 😊

Second Grade 

Cassidy completes all of the assignments each week. She does a great job with her assignments and they are always done to the best of her ability. Cassidy also attends our 2 weekly Zoom meetings. She participates in our discussions and always has things to share with us. Great job Cassidy! 

Jaymelis has been doing a phenomenal job learning math concepts using Zearn.  She has been working exceptionally hard on her writing, making sure she is staying on topic, writing a complete paragraph, and using correct capitalization and punctuation.  She also participates in our Zoom meetings!

Alahni has completed all of her online learning work. Alahni takes pride in work. She is a student that really enjoys school and is a very active learner. She is always volunteering and adding her ideas to concepts. She has attended all of the Zoom meetings also. She always has a smile for us and something wonderful to share! I look forward to seeing that smile! She is a wonderful role model and ROCKSTAR! 

Ayliciana was behind in her assignments due to not having a computer, but she worked hard to get all caught up on missed assignments. 

Third Grade

Angelo is willing to try new things and is always respectful to his teachers and peers.  He was struggling with feeling a bit overwhelmed at the beginning of this virtual learning but now he is a rock star!  He is completing assignments and participating in Zooms. I know all his third grade teachers and myself are very proud of him!  

Reece has been working really hard during her time on virtual learning. She turns in her assignments and is doing well on them.  She helps others during our zoom meetings and participates in classroom discussions.  I enjoy seeing her bright smile during our zoom sessions.  Keep up the great work Reece!

Chase has been doing a fantastic job with all of his online assignments.  He has been attending all of his zoom meetings for homeroom, reading and math.  When he comes to the meetings, he always has a smiling face.  When it comes to completing his school work, most of the time, Chase completes his assignments early.  Even though Chase has had some technical difficulties, he still completes other assignments to take place of the ones that are not working for him.  I am so proud of his hard work and dedication to completing his work.  Way to go Chase!  You have been a ROCKSTAR!

Chris has been a stud student throughout online learning. He attends all Zoom meetings and completes all of his assigned work. When he has a question he asks and solves his own questions. I am super proud of Chris and the hard work is doing during online learning. He is a true Champion. 

 Allison is working hard during online instruction. There is not one assignment that she has missed and she attends every Zoom meeting. I am super proud of Allison and the work she’s completed. Keep up the great work Allison and you’ll go far! Allison is also consistently doing her work at home for music class!  She is even submitting videos of her performing songs so I can give her feedback.  I’m so proud of Allison and her work ethic!

Ryan completes every assignment thrown his way. He is a true role model for Park Elementary and a real Champion. Keep up the great work Ryan! 

Caleb is doing an awesome job!  He is participating in Zoom meetings.  Caleb is working hard and turning in his assignments.  I’m so proud of him!  Keep up the good work!

McKenna continues to work very diligently on all of her online assignments and activities. She has submitted great writing pieces the last three weeks, too! Keep up the great work, McKenna!

Jeffrey is consistently doing his work at home for music class!  He is even submitting videos of him performing songs so I can give him feedback.  I’m so proud of Jeffrey and his work ethic!

Fourth Grade

Lilee has been doing an incredible job with her work since we have started online learning.  She does not hesitate to ask questions and always puts 100% effort into her assignments.  Keep up the great work!

Josiah is a very dedicated online student.  He puts a lot of effort into his work and asks for help when he needs it.  Online learning is not holding Josiah back!  Congratulations to this hard worker!

Andrew really stepped it up with his work this week, and we have seen how hardworking he is. We are very proud of his progress. Great job and keep up the good work!

Limadiel has done a fantastic job with online learning.  He always put forth 100% effort.  He participates in Zoom meetings and does not hesitate to ask questions.  Keep up the great work Limadiel!.

Josiel has been doing a nice job completing his weekly assignments in reading. Continue to work hard, Josiel!

Brayden has been working extremely hard completing all his assignments this week. He has done a great job using technology despite it not always working the way it’s supposed to. Keep up the hard work Brayden!

Ms. Landis and I miss you all. Thanks for being AWESOME through this challenging time!